NHHS Dance ARREIS tickets 2024

Note: Online presales tickets are closed
Additional tickets for all performances may be available at the ASB office (or at the door, if still available)

*Additional tickets may be available at the ASB office (or at the door, if still available)
*Additional tickets may be available at the ASB office (or at the door, if still available)
*Additional tickets may be available at the ASB office (or at the door, if still available)
*Additional tickets may be available at the ASB office (or at the door, if still available)
All tickets purchased online will be held at will-call the night of the performance.
Helps cover credit card fees, support for this site and other Support Newport Mesa programs (and very much appreciated!)

* Tickets purchased online will be held at  WILL-CALL on the night of the performance. Please try to visit the will-call desk by 6:30 pm. Tickets not picked up at will call within 5 minutes before show time will be unavailable. No exchanges or refunds. All ticket sales are final.